Book of the Month
Discover a fresh look at the daily assault on our freedoms from the insidious communist movement in this country. More than a political statement, this book is an insightful drive through history, philosophy, and current events with one of the most entertaining and fearless conservatives in America at the wheel.

The Anti-Communist Manifesto
Discover a fresh look at the daily assault on our freedoms from the insidious communist movement in this country. More than a political statement, this book is an insightful drive through history, philosophy, and current events with one of the most entertaining and fearless conservatives in America at the wheel.

In Denial

Showing how Stalin’s triumphs and crimes were the product of his fanatical Marxism and his gifted but flawed character, this is an intimate portrait of a man as complicated and human as he was brutal and chilling.

Gulag Archipelago
Solzhenitsyn reveals with torrential narrative and dramatic power the entire apparatus of Soviet repression, the state within the state that once ruled all-powerfully with its creation by Lenin in 1918.

Witness is the true story of Soviet spies in America and the trial that captivated a nation. Part literary effort, part philosophical treatise, this intriguing autobiography recounts the famous Alger Hiss case and reveals much more. Chambers’ worldview and his belief that “man without mysticism is a monster” went on to help make political conservatism a national force.

Cannibal Island
During the spring of 1933, Stalin’s police rounded up nearly one hundred thousand people as part of the Soviet regime’s “cleansing” of Moscow and Leningrad and deported them to Siberia. Many of the victims were sent to labor camps, but ten thousand of them were dumped in a remote wasteland and left to fend for themselves. Cannibal Island reveals the shocking, grisly truth about their fate.

The Noblest Triumph
He shows that the institution of property is inextricably tied to traditional conceptions of justice and liberty, and he argues that prosperity and civilization can only arise where private property is securely held by the people.

More than thirty years ago F. A. Hayek said of Socialism: It was a work on political economy in the tradition of the great moral philosophers, a Montesquieu or Adam Smith, containing both acute knowledge and profound wisdom. . . . To none of us young men who read the book when it appeared was the world ever the same again.

Liberal Fascism
Replacing conveniently manufactured myths with surprising and enlightening research, Jonah Goldberg reminds us that the original fascists were really on the left, and that liberals from Woodrow Wilson to FDR to Hillary Clinton have advocated policies and principles remarkably similar to those of Hitler’s National Socialism and Mussolini’s Fascism.

Shadow World
America is at war and the stakes are huge. The fight is not just in Iraq and Afghanistan, it is a global contest between the United States, radical Islam, a resurgent Russia, and a virulent New Left that is coming to power in Latin America and stalking the corridors of power around the world, including the United States.

Dictatorship of Virtue
In a fiercely provocative book that will generate debate for years to come, Bernstein shows how multicultural orthodoxy has created a highly lucrative bureaucracy, even as it shortchanged the very people it is meant to benefit.

Tenured Radicals
In this substantially revised edition of his now-classic critique of contemporary academic life, Mr. Kimball shows how politics has corrupted our higher education. Mr. Kimball names his enemies precisely….This book will breed fistfights. —Roger Rosenblatt, New York Times Book Review.

The Verona Secrets
The Venona Secrets is a masterful compendium of spy versus spy that puts the Venona transcripts in context with secret FBI reports, congressional investigations, and documents recently uncovered in the former Soviet archives.


The Reckless Mind
In profiles of Martin Heidegger, Carl Schmitt, Walter Benjamin, Alexandre Kojeve, Michel Foucault, and Jacques Derrida, Mark Lilla demonstrates how these thinkers were so deluded by the ideologies and convulsions of their times that they closed their eyes to authoritarianism, brutality, and state terror.

“Cuba’s own Elvis” that’s what Dan Rather calls him. Funny name for a man who has threatened the United States with nuclear war, who has made common cause with Islamic terrorists against the United States, and whose people risk death to escape him.

Understanding The Times
Understanding the Times is a systematic way to understand the ideas that rule our world. While the material is expansive, the engaging, easy-to-understand writing style invites you to discover the truths of God – and our world.

Postmodern Times
The modern era is over. Assumptions that shaped twentieth-century thought and culture, the bridges we crossed to this present moment, have blown up. The postmodern age has begun. Just what is postmodernism? The average person would be shocked by its creed: Truth, meaning, and individual identity do not exist.

The Quest for Cosmic Justice

God in the Dock
God in the Dock contains forty-eight essays and twelve letters written by Lewis between 1940 and 1963. Ranging from popular newspaper articles to learned defenses of the faith, these pieces cover topics as varied as the logic of theism, good and evil, miracles, the role of women in the church, and ethics and politics.

The Death of Truth
Whatever Happened to Truth?America is in the midst of a revolution in thinking that impacts every conceivable aspect of life. Postmodernism, the guiding spirit of our times, teaches that things like reason and rationality are cultural biases, and that truth–especially God’s truth–doesn’t exist.