Wokeism in the Classroom

Here is the political cartoon depicting a school styled with Marxist architectural features and ideological symbols, as described in Dr. Lindsay’s critique of Paulo Freire’s influence on American education. The scene captures the transformation of traditional educational values towards Marxist pedagogy.

Introduction to Radical Leftism in America

The journey of radical leftism (wokeism) into the blood stream of America has many contributors:  there is Rousseau (man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains), Marx (abolish private property and take God too), Goethe (all that exists deserves to perish), Marcuse (negative thinking and the praxis guided by it), and the less known Paulo Freire and his Pedagogy of the Oppressed.

Freire brought his Brazilian communism into America’s classrooms thanks to Harvard University who offered him a two-year lecture post. The result of this invitation ended in Providence, Rhode Island and Paulo Freire’s Charter Schools.

“The Marxification of Education” by James Lindsay

For a brilliant analysis of Freire’s role in subverting America’s education, apart from John Dewey and the Frankfurt School, pay attention to The Marxification of Education: Paulo Freire’s Critical Marxism and the Theft of Education by James Lindsay.

Lindsay’s 200 page work explains in detail how the Marxist have invaded our educational system with ingenious approaches—Drag Queen Story Hour in the school’s library, homosexual books by the boat load, how to live queerly, praising the LGBTQ+ agenda, Queer Theory along with Critical Race Theory, Fat Studies and a dozen others.

Freire’s Methods of Communizing American Classrooms

I have tried to open up Freire’s overall approach in communizing America’s classrooms with such ingredients as the following:

  1.  Replace faith in God with perpetual cultural revolution and make sure the ten commandments are placed in the dustbin of history.
  2. Replace Jesus Christ with Che Guavara and Mao. Make double sure no student comes close to Humberto Fontova’s Exposing The Real Che Guavara.
  3. Abolish private property and its lust to possess.
  4. Abolish White Supremacy and whiteness in general…emphasis all white male heterosexuals are evil. 
  5. Reading, writing, math, history, science must be seen as secondary.  In fact, “White Eurocentric” view of mathematics needs to be replaced with feminist physics. All subjects must be seen thru a Marxist political lense.
  6. Socialism is the goal of all education.
  7. Leftist political content is the goal.
  8. Destroy Capitalism.
  9. Denounce current oppressive world especially America.
  10. Destroy all that’s normal and enhance the abnormal, negative, queer, trans, men to women, redefine woman.
  11. Ruthless criticism of all that exists.
  12. Revolution is natural and permanent,
  13. Abolish the culture—destroy founding fathers statues, paintings, and documents.
  14. Praise the 1619 project making slavery central and make sure no student reads Thomas Sowell’s writings on slavery.
  15. Praise Black Lives Matter and march to its dictates.
  16. Emphasize the fact that we can not know what the future looks like.  There are many twists and turns within the dialectic.
  17. Emphasize race and gender and remember only whites and white-adjacents (Asians) can be racist.  People of color can never be racist. Whites are always the oppressors/people of color are always the oppressed.
  18. Remember to always emphasize the negative—poor, poverty, misery, starvation, oppression, injustice, wealth.
  19. Paint America in the worst possible light—the mother of all evils. Paint Christians with the same brush.  Jews, too! Conservatives, too!

Conclusion by Dr. James Lindsay

Dr. Lindsay’s conclusion: “Our kids currently go to Paulo Freire’s schools. These schools are unambiguously Marxist in their architecture, pedagogy, methods, and goals. They have abandoned the idea of educating American children to grow toward becoming successful and prosperous adults in American society because they want to undermine, destroy, and replace American society.”


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