Jesse Kelly’s Take on Communism
I like Jesse Kelly! I like to watch his TV program on The First network; I like his sense of humor; I like his Marine background (my brother was a Marine). And I think he is on to something on his understanding of Communism. I also like his latest book published by Simon and Schuster, Inc. entitled The Anti-Communist Manifesto.
Kelly insists there are only two kinds or types of Reds—the Elite Reds and the Street Reds. How can you identify the Elite Reds? By watching who support the Street Reds! Well then, who are the Street Reds? How about Black Lives Matter?…how about Antifa?
“BLM and Antifa are explicitly communist. They are the Red Guards of the American communist movement—the foot soldiers of the revolution. The language they speak is violence and destruction. The battlefield on which they fight is the streets of your city or hometown. Their goal is no different than that of their comrades in past generations: to destroy everything before them and replace it with their own chaotic hellhole.” (p. 88)
Identifying the Elite Reds and Street Reds
Well then who supports these street Red Guards? The elite Reds? How about Ben & Jerry’s ice cream (p.109). “One of BLM’s biggest charitable supporters has been the NoVo Foundation. Funded by Warren Buffett, chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, and controlled by his son Peter, the foundation contributed $1.5 million to BLM and associated organizations between 2015 and 2018 (p. 114).
“The W.K.Kellogg Foundation has also been cutting checks for BLM. The foundation is funded in large part through its ownership stake in the Kellogg Company (and its Frosted Flakes and Eggo waffles).” (p. 114)
“In July 2020, Amazon announced that Black Lives Matter was among twelve organizations…that would receive $10 million from the online retail company.” (p. 114)
“Other corporations and brands that openly support BLM include DoorDash, Gatorade, Microsoft, and Airbnb.” (p. 114)
Now once the Street Reds (BLM and Antifa among others including college thugs) are arrested for burning down city streets etc. who springs them loose to continue their destruction? You guessed it, the elite Reds including George Soros!
“For the past several years, billionaire George Soros has been openly pumping tens of millions of dollars into numerous district attorney races across the country…Soros expresses no regret for the chaos and violence that he has invited through his funding of weak DAs. In fact, he has promised to do more.” (p.117)
Most of Kelly’s work is focused on the elite Reds. For example, he has a neat chapter on “Climate Communism: Green on the Outside, Red on the Inside.” (p.154) Another chapter on “American Red-ucation” tracing the Reds move into our universities and colleges (and now high schools and grade schools). (p. 121)

Corporate Communism: The Devil’s Alliance
But his chapter on how American corporations were consumed into the Red agenda is worth the price of the book. He labels the chapter “Corporate Communism: The Devil’s Alliance.” (p.219)
For a taste of Kelly’s treatment I quote, “The Walt Disney Company, once a reliable source of child-friendly content, now churns out what many would consider propaganda that celebrates sexual deviance, publicly supports woke political causes, and has turned its back on American families.” (p. 220)
“Today, Milton Friedman’s worst nightmare has come to pass. CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) became the springboard from which the communist conquered corporate America—the glue that holds the devil’s alliance together.” (p.230) “It (CSR) infects the most classic of American companies like Disney and Coca-Cola. Professional sports leagues like the National Football League and Major League Baseball, Energy giants like ExxonMobil and Chevron, Finance giants like Bank of America and Morgan Stanley.” (p.230)
Consumer Culture and Communist Agendas
“Walk into your local big-box store during Pride Month [June] and you’ll find rack upon rack of rainbow clothes. If you’re lucky enough to live near a Target store, your children can even purchase gender-affirming clothing…Need a jolt of caffeine in the morning? Buy yourself a venti racial equity latte at Starbucks. Hungry for dinner? Pick up a Black Lives Matter burger at your local McDonald’s, Burger King, or Wendy’s, all of which signaled their support for the organization.” (p. 232)
Concludes Kelly: “The corporate-communist alliance has turned big businesses into nests of communist activity and a bullhorn for his propaganda. Whereas corporations once powered American prosperity, they are now actively undermining it at every turn.” (p. 239)
You may not agree with Jesse Kelly on everything he touches, but my bet is you will agree with most of his conclusions. It doesn’t take a genius to see that America is in big dodo. Our debt alone can destroy the country. The hordes coming over the border by the millions can destroy the country. Our feckless politicians can destroy the country. Come to think about it I can too if I remain silent!