The Genesis of Gender in the Bible
The history of the human race begins with God’s work recorded in the very first chapter of Genesis—“So God created man in His own image; He created them male and female.” (1:27)
The rest of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation is the history of how male and female worked it out. It even includes the words of Jesus who said, “But from the beginning of creation God made them male and female.” (Mark 10:6) So let’s state the obvious upfront—male and female are the normal!
What is interesting is that the Bible also notes the times when male and female have been ignored for the abnormal. Genesis 19:4 states, “Before they [Lot’s guests] went to bed, the men of the city of Sodom cried out send them out to us so we can have sex with them.” Bad idea!
The apostle Paul also picks up the theme of abnormal when he says, “males committed shameless acts with males and received in their own persons the appropriate penalty for their perversion.” (Romans 1:27)
And to see how this aspect of human history ends read carefully John’s rendition in Revelations 22:15, “Outside [of heaven] are the sexually immoral.”
Which brings us to our subject for today.
The identical group that the Bible refers to as practitioners of perversion are on the loose still. They have come up with interesting names viz., LGBTQ, Queer, Queer Theory, Queer Marxism, Queer Classrooms, Queer Pedagogy, Queering Developmental Psychology, Queering Parental Rights, etc.
LGBTQ does include most of those flying under its colorful flag (which incidentally has been flying over many U.S. government buildings). Lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender and queer are inclusive, but those who might fall outside are included as follows: LGBTQ+IASAI.
Consequences of Ignoring Biblical Norms
I am now reporting from an article that appeared in The New American, April 15, 2024, p. 8. “On March 5, Sacramento’s CBS13 reported that parents ‘feel like they were kept in the dark about an LGBTQ+ club they said a third-grade teacher started’ at their children’s school.”
“According to the California Family Council (CFC), early this school year, Daniel Bishop, a third-grade teacher at Elk Grove Unified School District’s Pleasant Grove Elementary School, ‘was allowed to personally invite all the 3rd through 6th grade classes to a new LGBTQ club he was starting. The UBU Club as he called it was for boys who crush on boys and girls who crush on girls, but anyone could come, the kids were told.’ Yet parents weren’t told anything about the club. No notification in the school newsletter and no permission slips were required for attendance.
“When parents learned of the club in January, they questioned school officials, continued CFC. They were told LGBTQ clubs had already been started in 5 to 10 other elementary schools. They also discovered school officials weren’t sure students needed parent permission to attend an LGBTQ club. That was on January 29. Tired of waiting for answers, parents took their complaints and questions to the District [March 5] meeting.
“At that meeting, one parent commented that, although ‘the district has ignored concerned parents for weeks, [it] recently sent a flier to all district teachers, inviting them to a training on how to respond to resistance from parents against LGBTQ clubs.’
“Another [parent] said that school staff ‘betrayed the trust of parents when they held this LGBTQ club during lunchtime and did not notify parents or require permission slips for the club.’
Queer Theory and Its Impact on Modern Society
“Perhaps the staff were following the California Teachers Association’s (CTA) advice. In 2021, the CTA was caught on leaked video instructing members how to start in-school LGBTQ clubs without parents’ knowledge, with a first-grade teacher explicitly stating, ‘It’s best to hold meetings for gender identity clubs during lunchtime, so the parents never know.’”
So now you know how our elementary children are learning about gender identification and how they can have various parts of their beautiful body cut up, cut out, mutilated and then declare themselves to be “a new girl,” or “a new boy.” Children who need permission to smoke a cigarette need no permission to change their sex.
Who is behind such a travesty?
Where can we turn to find out how this all started and how it is proceeding throughout our country.
The answer to “Who” and “Where” is easier than you think. It is contained in one book written by Logan Lancing and James Lindsay entitled The Queering of the American Child: How a New School Religious Cult Poisons the Minds and Bodies of Normal Kids. Published by New Discourses, LLC., Orlando, Florida.
The abominations performed on our children falls under the logo Queer Theory. According to Lancing and Lindsay it is a theory “based on the mystical religious teachings of French Marxist Simone de Beauvoir, Michel Foucault, Judith Butler, Eve Kosofsky, Sedgwick, Deborah P. Britzman, Mary Bryson, Suzanne de Castell, Susanne Luhmann, James T. Sears etc.” These Queer Activists “have been queering schools for the last thirty years.” (p. 21)
The Queering of the American Child
Incidentally, the definition of Queer Theory is rather easy to grasp. Whatever is abnormal is considered queer! The goal is to make everything that we would consider normal e.g., male and female, abnormal! Queering the male, for example, is making the heterosexual male a homosexual. Queering the female is making the heterosexual female a lesbian. And so on down the LGBTQ+ models.
Nothing in God’s world is normal. Everything that God created is wrong and needs to be reconstructed. And one easy way to start this new construction is with the young.
“Children,” says Lancing and Lindsay, “influenced by Queer Theory adopt new ‘gender identities,’ fantasize about “social transitioning,’ perform drag, and experiment with fictional sexualities and related behaviors.’” (p.ix) And you thought the drag queens in your local libraries were just innocent performances. Ah, no!
While our readers are probably worn out by now let me close with one more telling statement by our two brave authors: “While typically not mentioned by name, Queer Theory is the foundation on which the U. S. Department of Education’s Supporting Transgender Youth In Schools document rests. In fact, Queer Theory is the foundation of most-if not all-school policies related to sex, gender, and sexuality in America today.”(p.14)
And our own government has given this crowd of perverts (as C. S. Lewis calls them) the whole month of June to express their pride! But then our present president gave the transgenders this year’s Resurrection Day to express their visibility. I beg your pardon, but I’ve had enough of everything queer.