Wokeism: Postmodernism and Communism in Love

cartoon superhero in a political cartoon style, featuring a 'W' on the chest. In this image, the superhero is dynamically posed, straining to carry something heavy, symbolizing the burden of societal and political challenges

I just finished reading four books from cover to cover on the subject of Wokeism. They were Thomas Sowell’s Social Justice Fallacies, Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsey’s Cynical Theories, Ted Cruz’s Unwoke, and Vivek Ramaswamy’s Woke, Inc.

Being the original author of Understanding the Times: A Survey of Competing Worldviews—an analysis of the six major evangelistic worldviews (Christianity, Islam, Communism, Humanism, Postmodernism, New Age) influencing the world’s eight billion population, I am extremely interested in knowing exactly where the religion of Wokeism fits into the scheme of things. The four authors agree that Marxism plays its part in Wokeism along with Postmodernism (namely through Michel Foucault and his game to make homosexuality normal). Foucault, of course, was a homosexual who ultimately died of its disease.

Wokeism Explained

Before going any further, however, let me list the various parts of Wokeism as explained in the above four works. Put these parts together and you will have an accurate understanding of this latest edition of Marxism (communism) and Postmodernism.

The parts and pieces of Wokeism are the following: White Supremacy, Critical Race Theory, evil white heterosexual males, white-adjacent (Asians), BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color), LGBTTQQIAP+, Transgender, Queer Theory, defund the police, no objective truth, race and gender, oppressor/victim, green new deal, health equity, United States founded on slavery, climate change, modern science based on white men, Black Lives Matter, destroy capitalism, praise socialism, moral relativism, pedophilia, social justice, deconstruct woman, fat studies, diversity, equity, inclusion, race is everything, etc.

While you might think such a list could never be taken seriously, the raw truth is this list has captured America’s educational system, our overall culture, and our U.S. government including its military (see the January issue of The Schwarz Report—US Air Force Academy Goes Woke).

a cartoon superhero in a political cartoon style, prominently featuring a 'W' on the chest and set against a cityscape backdrop. This image maintains the theme of your blog while focusing solely on the superhero character.

The Sad, but True, Truth

The present President of the United States has announced that America’s greatest threat is “White Supremacy.” He even placed on the Supreme Court a woman who could not define woman (right out of the Woke playbook!).

In Vivek Ramaswamy’s book Woke, Inc., he spends 300 pages showing how Woke has completely overrun America’s leading corporations. He says that the battle has been completely won by the Woke crowd! And he is talking about some of our largest corporations who have study programs for their employees on diversity, equity and inclusion. Some U.S. airlines (e.g. United and Alaska) have already declared half their pilots will be screened through the DEI funnel over the next few years.

But Woke’s biggest problem is with Asians – now referred to as “white-adjacent”. This includes Chinese, Japanese, Indian and Korean groupings. Says Thomas Sowell, “These Asians also have higher media per capita incomes of white Americans.” Sowell wants to know where is the white supremacy. His chapter 2 destroys all the foundation stones of: Critical Race Theory, white male heterosexuals are devils, oppressors are always white and all else are victims!


After putting most of its Woke pieces together into a religion of sorts (sinners are white heterosexual moles) and saviors are to be found amongst the LGBTQ+ crowd it is my conclusion that Wokeism is a stepchild of Communism + Post-Modernism. For an in-depth study of both, along with the other four worldviews (Christianity, Islam, Humanism and New Age), read carefully Understanding the Times by Jeff Myers and David Noebel.

Remember this when the first plane load of diversity, equity and inclusion pilot-driven planes go down – don’t blame white, heterosexual men!


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